New beginnings

Spring is a season of new beginnings, a time when nature awakens and bursts forth in vibrant colours. It is a season of growth and renewal, where the world is reborn in a flourish of life. And what better way to celebrate this season of new beginnings than with a garden fit for spring and the King! 

A spring garden is a beautiful way to welcome the season and to bring new life and colour to your surroundings. Whether you have a large backyard or a small balcony, you can create a garden that will bring joy and beauty to your life. There are many different types of gardens to choose from, including vegetable gardens, flower gardens, and herb gardens.

Grow your own

Planting lettuce

A vegetable garden is a great way to grow your own fresh produce, and it can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can plant a variety of vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and lettuce, and watch them grow from tiny seeds to delicious, healthy vegetables that you can enjoy all season long. Even better if your produce is enjoyed outdoors. In fact, 73% of Breeze House owners say that their food tastes better when eaten outdoors.

Not only is growing your own a great way to eat fresh, healthy food, but it is also a great way to save money on your weekly shop and reduce your carbon footprint.

Attracting pollinators

Bee on blossom

A flower garden is another wonderful way to bring colour and beauty to your surroundings. You can choose from a wide variety of flowers, such as roses, daisies, tulips, and lilies, and create a stunning display of colours and textures. You can also choose to plant flowers that attract bees and butterflies, which are important pollinators for our ecosystem.

Adding freshness and flavour to your food 

Basil growing in pots

A herb garden is a great way to add flavour and freshness to your cooking. You can plant a variety of herbs, such as basil, thyme, rosemary, and parsley, and use them in your favourite recipes. Not only do they add flavour, but they also have many health benefits, such as improving digestion and reducing inflammation.

A spring garden party fit for a King

Afternoon tea in Breeze House for King's Coronation

So, your garden is in full bloom, and with the King’s Coronation just around the corner, why not host a spring garden party fit for a King?

A coronation is a time of great celebration and joy, as a new King is crowned and begins his reign. It is a time of new beginnings, as the King brings new ideas and visions for the future.

There are many ways to celebrate a coronation. Maybe you fancy hosting a Coronation Big Lunch for family, friends and neighbours, using your own grown produce to create The King and The Queen Consort’s Coronation Quiche. Maybe a truly British afternoon tea (in the luxury of your Breeze House of course) is more your style or simply enjoying a quiet toast to the new King whilst watching the pageantry on the telly!

A spring garden and a King’s coronation celebration are both wonderful ways to welcome the season of new beginnings. They remind us of the beauty and joy of life, and they inspire us to embrace change and growth. So why not celebrate this season in style, with a beautiful garden and a grand coronation celebration?

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