Healing in Nature

It’s well known that spending time in the outdoors can have a positive impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. Connecting with, and healing in nature is said to help improve your mood and can reduce stress and anxiety – helping you feel more relaxed and, in turn, leading to a better night’s sleep. 

The benefits of bringing nature into your everyday life are clear, so much so that back in 1996 the practice of Ecotherapy was developed by Howard Clinebell, and is still a popular therapeutic treatment today. 

Clinebell’s work on Ecotherapy looked at how a holistic relationship with nature embraces both nature’s ability to heal us and our ability to reciprocate this connection by nurturing nature. 

So, how can you practice Ecotherapy in today’s day and age? With our tendency to favour a night in front of the TV with the latest bingeworthy series, scrolling on our phones or burning the midnight oil to meet those work deadlines, we often forget that a lot of our stresses and anxieties can be soothed by nature itself. 

The perfect time to get in the garden

bh autumn
Safari Breeze House

Our gardens can be neglected a little during the Autumn and Winter months, just as we can neglect our health too, in favour of comfort food and lazy weekends indoors.  But, right now is the perfect time to make those garden improvements so you can really enjoy every moment when the weather improves, instead of wasting those lovely, long summer days working hard.

You don’t have to go crazy and over-exert yourself either; just tick off those little jobs that need doing, pull up those weeds and tidy around. It will make sitting back in your Breeze House at the end of the day even more special, as you’ll have such a beautiful garden to look at and enjoy, you’ll feel exhilarated from the fresh air and feel a real sense of accomplishment.

Encouraging wildlife

One of the fantastic wonders of spending time in a luxury garden building, such as your Breeze House, is the relaxing view of a gorgeous garden. There seems to always be something new to study, something fresh to gaze upon and something interesting springing up every season. 85% of our Breeze House owners say their building allows them to be closer to nature.

And even as we enter the cooler months of the year, there is a fresh feel to the outdoors. In fact, it’s often Autumn and Winter that give us some of the most glorious garden scenes, with rusty hews, crisp mornings and cool, starlit evenings. The wildlife seems to really come into its own at this time of year, as birds, bugs and more venture further out of their cosy homes to seek food, shelter and mates to see them through the winter.

You can encourage more wildlife into your garden by simply creating shady bug-friendly spots with a pile of deadwood, tables with food and water for birds and tree and shrub mixes with attractive blossoms and berries.

Our busy lives often don’t offer much time for us to sit, relax and be present in the moment, but there is something to say for simply slowing down every now and then, observing the wildlife and nature around us, taking a deep breath and letting the stresses of our busy lives melt away. 

Sleeping outdoors

Sleep is integral to a healthy lifestyle and is often seen as the best medication, but it’s easy to ignore its importance. In fact, 1 in 5 people in the UK aren’t getting enough sleep and there’s a clear connection between a lack of sleep and an increase in low mood, worry and anxiety. One of the biggest factors linked with poor sleep is said to be environmental issues, such as reduced exposure to natural daylight in the Autumn and Winter months or over-exposure to artificial light, air pollution and screen time – which disrupts our natural sleeping patterns or circadian rhythm.

But there is an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm naturally. 

Sleeping outdoors has the ability to shift your sleep cycle schedule to line up with natural light cycles. By going to bed earlier and waking later, with the natural set and rise of the Autumn sun, people have reported feeling more refreshed, alert and have a natural mood boost. After all, there’s nothing worse than being woken by the ringing of your alarm clock.

Why not try it this weekend? Bed down for an early evening in your Breeze House, without any distractions and see how you feel afterwards. It might become a weekly event for you and the family.

Autumnal alfresco dining

Although the seasons are changing you can still make dining outdoors truly wonderful. And what’s better than a big bowl of wholesome food eaten outdoors? Even better if the produce has been homegrown. In fact, 73% of Breeze House owners think that food tastes better eaten outdoors. We’re thinking spicy stews, tasty pies or crusty rolls slathered in butter to dip into a delicious, hearty, homemade soup. Sit around the table in your Breeze House and feel your delicious food warm your soul as you enjoy the crisp, cool Autumnal air, soak in the golden sun and reflect on summer’s end.

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